It’s that time of year again where Ramadan has arrived, a sacred month observed by Muslims around the world. It is a time of spiritual reflection, devotion, and self-discipline, during which fasting is observed for 30 days from sunrise to sunset.

What is fasting in Ramadan?

Fasting, known as sawm in Arabic, is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Between Suhoor (the pre-dawn meal) and Iftar (the evening meal), Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking, and other physical needs. You may have heard these terms from your friends, colleagues, or family members who observe Ramadan. The fast is broken each evening with Iftar, while Suhoor provides essential nourishment for the day ahead.

Why do Muslims observe Ramadan?

Muslims observe Ramadan as a sacred month in Islam, marking the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is a time of reflection, devotion, and self-discipline, encouraging empathy for those less fortunate. Fasting serves as a reminder of life’s blessings and encourages kindness and charity.

Nourishment and fasting

Fasting for long hours can be physically demanding, making it important to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet during Suhoor and Iftar. A well-planned meal helps sustain energy levels throughout the day and supports overall wellbeing.

How you can support your Colleagues during Ramadan

If you work with colleagues who are observing Ramadan, there are simple yet meaningful ways to show your support and understanding.

Be mindful of fasting hours: Avoid scheduling lunch meetings or team events centred around food during the day.
Respect prayer times: Practicing Muslims may take short breaks for prayers throughout the day. Allow flexibility where possible.
Adjust workload if needed: Energy levels may dip during fasting hours, especially in the afternoon. Offering support or adjusting deadlines, when possible, can be helpful.
Show understanding: Fasting can be physically challenging, so be mindful that your colleagues might feel more tired than usual. A little empathy goes a long way.
Educate yourself on fasting: Learn about what fasting involves, including that Muslims do not eat or drink anything from dawn to sunset and avoid making comments about food, hunger.
Avoid assumptions: Not all Muslims fast due to health or personal reasons. Be respectful without making assumptions about someone’s observance.
Join in the celebrations: Ramadan ends with Eid al-Fitr, a celebration. Wishing your colleagues “Eid Mubarak” is a great way to acknowledge and celebrate their observance.

Whether you observe Ramadan or are simply learning about it, understanding its significance and showing support can foster inclusivity and respect. A nutritious diet can help sustain those who are fasting, while awareness and thoughtful gestures from others can make the experience easier.

🌙 Ramadan Mubarak to all those observing! Wishing you a peaceful and blessed month.

What are the January Blues?

For many, January is a very dreary month and it is often associated with feelings of sadness and fatigue paired with a lack of motivation and anxiety. If you can relate to these feelings it is important to know that you’re not alone, as the Samaritans have assessed that around a fifth of people in the UK experience “winter blues”.

Are the January blue the same as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

While the terms are often used interchangeably, the “January blues” and SAD are not exactly the same, though they are related.

The January blues are commonly a feeling of sadness, low mood, or lack of motivation that people experience after the holiday season. They’re often also linked to the financial strain following Christmas, colder weather and shorter days. Learn about the importance of vitamin D during the winter months and what vitamins you should consider taking.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is the name of the type of depression that affects people during the winter months and it not restricted to January.

There are a multitude of factors contributing to the January Blues:

Weather and cold temperatures
Lack of daylight
Holiday absence and anti-climax of reality
Financial instability (especially following Christmas)
Returning to work
Challenging holiday period due to loss, loneliness or estrangement
Pressure of New Year’s resolutions
Changes to sleep cycle

Some ways to cope with January Blues:

  • Get some sunshine and vitamin DChevron

    Lack of sunlight can affect the production of serotonin and melatonin so it is important to get as much sunlight as possible during the daylight hours and take Vitamin D supplements if needed.

  • With less daylight and colder temps, there is decreased outdoor engagement and less people are getting out and moving. However, exercise is important as it can help to release endorphins and improve moods as well as boosting self-esteem and cognitive functioning. This does not need to be exhaustive exercise either, it can simply be cycling or going for a walk while enjoying a podcast.

  • There are a plethora of benefits that indoor plants have to offer. Not only can owning plants be a fulfilling hobby but they can help to improve moods by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels, and so you may consider bringing the outdoors indoors with plants.

  • Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, planning something to look forward to after the holidays can be beneficial. This could be a social event with friends or a solo trip like visiting a bookstore, museum, art gallery or coffee shop, etc. It’s important to make time for things you enjoy as your schedule gets busier.

  • Don’t let the cold weather stop you from connecting with people. There is a decline of social stimulation after the holidays and it is important to socialise, especially those who dislike the quietness of January. However, some people may be overwhelmed and feel holiday event fatigue and it is important for these people to take moments for themselves and practice self-care. That being said, Quality one-on-one time with friends and family creates a safe space for talking about feelings and can help  you realise that you are not alone with your January Blues.

  • Practising self-care may include indulging in mindfulness activities such as journaling and meditating which can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and boost your self-esteem. Journaling especially can help you to reflect on thoughts and feelings from throughout the day, which can then help to improve your quality of sleep.

  • Social media can promote unhealthy lifestyles, under-eating and over-exercising. People often compare themselves to others on social media which can lead to body dysmorphia and eating disorders, which often co-occurs  with SAD. Overall social media can have negative affects on mental health and can be linked to an increase in depressive symptoms. It is therefore the recommendation from professionals that social media screen time be limited to less than 2 hours a day.

  • During the winter months there is often issues with quality and amount of sleep which can have a significant impact on mental health. The lack of daylight can change your internal clock, affecting your natural sleep-wake cycle. You may have difficulty falling and staying asleep or even with oversleeping. Therefore, it is important to keep a routine to get your sleep cycle back on track, which should include avoiding social media and screen time before bed. There are also free apps that you can download to monitor your sleep and help to improve habits, such as ‘BetterSleep’ and ‘Sleep Cycle’, for example.

  • The food that we eat has an impact on our mental health and how we feel.A healthy diet can help you regain your energy and improve your mood. It is important to have a balanced diet, and what better time to start incorporating healthy new recipes into your daily life.

    Here are 5 Simple Ways to Improve your Diet

  • Many people have unrealistic expectations for themselves that take the form of New Year’s resolutions. Failing to reach these expectations can make people feel overwhelmed, lack motivation and experience low moods, but it is important to remember that you will not become a whole new person as soon at the clock hits 12am on January 1st. Be fair to yourself and accept that it’s ok to make mistakes as you try to integrate these new resolutions into your life.

  • The last thing you want when feeling the January Blues is to catch a cold or the flu, and one way to avoid this is by wrapping up warm. Not only this, but your body uses energy to warm itself up when it is cold, which can make you feel tired. So, preserve that energy for activities that you enjoy and wrap up warm, grab those fluffy socks and fill that water bottle. Discover how you can stay healthy this Winter

Healthy eating is foundational to overall well-being. Here are some key principles you should be incorporating into your daily diet:

Whole foods are a variety of whole, unprocessed foods, these includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and  seeds lean proteins (like fish, poultry, beans and pulses), and healthy fats (like olive oil, avocados). The reason for prioritising whole foods is to minimise the intake of processed foods, these is sugary drinks, fast food, some forms of pre-prepared meals that may  contain  highly processed carbohydrates and excessive amounts of saturated and unhealthy fats. Variety is key, you should be including a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources in your diet to ensure you’re getting a range of essential nutrients.

Learn more about improving your diet.

Whilst thinking about the food you eat and the goodness your body needs from it, it’s important to also think about hydration. The NHS recommends that we should drink six to eight glasses of water a day. This can include water from food, as well as sugar free drinks like tea and coffee. Both Energy and diet drinks are usually highly processed and paradoxically may increase the risk of other metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

Please note, the amount of fluids you need cam vary depending on your circumstances. For example, you’ll need to drink more water if you’re: exercising, working hard, or in hot weather.

So, now you know the types of food we should be eating and the amount of water you should be drinking, it’ time to think about when you should be eating.

It is recommended that you aim for regular mealtimes and not skip meals to help regulate blood sugar levels, because when your blood sugar spikes you’re more likely to hungry and overeat. Studies suggest that people who eat breakfast generally consume fewer calories over the day than those that skip breakfast. It’s also important that whilst you’re eating you pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, ensure you’re not overfilling your plate, portion sizes are important. Remember to eat slowly and savour each bite.

By incorporating these principles into your daily routine, you can nourish your body and support optimal health. This, combined with a healthy lifestyle, will help to give you more energy and reduce the risk of long term conditions such as type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Washing your hands is one of the most important ways to reduce the risk of getting or spreading eye infections amongst other things. Colds and infections are commonly transmitted due to poor hand hygiene. It’s important to wash your hands properly, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after touching your eyes, nose or mouth. It’s also important to remember that bacteria may be present on work surfaces, door handles and other everyday items. 

It is advised that you carry hand sanitizer for times when soap and water are not available, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.  

Common eye conditions that can be caused by not washing your hands: 

  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): This highly contagious infection can be caused by bacteria or viruses. Poor hand hygiene can easily spread these germs to your eyes.    
  • Styes: These are painful, red bumps on the eyelid caused by a bacterial infection. Touching your eyes with dirty hands can introduce bacteria and lead to a stye.    
  • Corneal Ulcers: These are open sores on the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye. They can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, often resulting from poor hand hygiene.    

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Can I Prevent an Eye Infections? Chevron

    You may not be able to prevent every eye infection, but you can take steps to reduce your risk.

    These may include: 

    • Making sure you follow directions on how to use your contact lenses, how to clean them and how long to wear them, 
    • Wearing protective eye gear when you work or participate in sports, 
    • Avoiding allergens that bother your eyes and taking allergy medicine to prevent irritation, 
    • Avoiding people who may be ill, 
    • Practising good hand hygiene, 
    • Not sharing items, like towels or eye makeup, that touch your eye, 
    • Throwing out cosmetics if you develop an eye infection so you won’t get re-infected. 
  • Treatment for eye infections depends on what’s causing your eye infection. It might include anti-infective medication in various forms, such as eye drops, ointments or tablets. It usually takes 24 to 48 hours for antibacterial medications to work. 

    You may have to let viral or allergic infections clear on their own, but you may be able to make yourself more comfortable with the following home remedies: 

    • Using damp, warm or cool compresses to make your eyes feel better, 
    • Using lubricating eye drops (artificial tears), 
    • Using over-the-counter pain relievers, 
    • Avoiding allergens that caused the reaction in the first place. 
  • There are a number of common eye conditions, these can include:

    • Conjunctivitis – a common eye condition that causes inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane that covers the white part of your eye and the inside of your eyelids.
    • Blepharitis – a common eye condition that causes inflammation of the eyelids. This inflammation can lead to redness, itching, burning, and crusty eyelids. 
    • Cellulitis – a bacterial infection of your skin and the tissue beneath your skin. 
    • Dacryocystitis – an infection of your tear sac that can happen when your tear ducts become blocked and can’t drain properly.
    • Endophthalmitis – serious inflammation and infection of the fluids within your eye.
    • Stye – a painful red bump on the edge of your eyelid.
    • Uveitis – a condition where you have inflammation of the uvea, which includes the iris, ciliary body and choroid.
  • You can get eye infections from bacteria, fungi (plural of fungus), parasites and viruses. These small organisms can enter your eyes in many different ways, including eye injuries. 

    One of the most common ways to get an eye infection is to sleep in your contact lenses. It’s also common to get an eye infection if you don’t properly clean your lenses. 

  • Following an eye infection, it is important to throw away any makeup tools, contact lenses, and the contact lens solution and cases you used during the infection.  

  • Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and illnesses. By washing your hands with soap and water, you can significantly reduce your risk of infection and protect yourself and others.

    • After using the toilet, or entering a bathroom 
    • Making contact with someone with a cold or infection 
    • Before and after touching your eyes 
    • Before and after touching contact lenses 
    • Before and after handling raw foods like meat and vegetables 
    • Before eating or handling food 
    • After blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing 
    • Before and after treating a cut or wound 
    • After touching animals, including pets, their food and after cleaning their cages 

If you have any concerns about your eyes, please see your optician for assessment and diagnosis. For more information and to find out the best way to wash your hands visit the NHS website.  

NHS chiefs warn that urgent and emergency care services are under “significant pressure” and that many patients will face longer waits during the colder months. To help with the demands, the NHS announced the upgrade of its 24-hour live data centres to help manage demand, the strengthening of same day emergency care and offering more falls services for older people, as part of actions set out to prepare for this winter. 

Why is the NHS under increased pressure in the winter?

  • Cold weather: Can worsen or cause health conditions, such as asthma  
  • Seasonal illnesses: Like flu and norovirus  
  • Increased demand: On acute hospital services and primary care  
  • Challenges discharging patients  

How are CHEC helping with the increase in demand? 

CHEC is one of the UK’s leading providers of community healthcare. For more than a decade, CHEC has been working in partnership with the NHS to increase patient choice and provide access to timely care and treatment locally. Through our 25+ community hospitals nationwide, CHEC makes specialist eyecare and gastroenterology services more readily accessible in local communities by offering patients greater flexibility and reduced waiting times. 

By offering these NHS services at our community hospitals we can assist with the backlog of patients, with 100% of patients choosing a CHEC hospital being seen within four weeks. 

With 1000s of specialists working and referring to CHEC, we are at the forefront of healthcare delivery in England. We work hard to build partnership with the local hospitals, commissioners, GPs, and optometrists to provide a patient-focused service, with many ‘one-stop’ services convenient to patients, closer to home.

Find your local CHEC Hospital  

How to stay healthy this winter

  • Tips to Stay HealthyChevron
    • Flu vaccine, to help protect against flu, which can be a serious or life-threatening illness. It is offered on the NHS every year in autumn or early winter to people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu. 
    • Vitamins and Probiotics
    • Stay hydrated 
    • Avoid people who may be ill 
    • Practice good hand hygiene 
    • The flu vaccine is recommended for people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu. 
    • You can get the free NHS flu vaccine if you: 
    • are aged 65 or over (including those who will be 65 by 31 March 2025) 
    • have certain long-term health conditions 
    • are pregnant 
    • live in a care home 
    • are the main carer for an older or disabled person, or receive a carer’s allowance 
    • live with someone who has a weakened immune system 

    Book a flu vaccination appointment at a pharmacy online or in the NHS App (if you are aged 18 or over) 

  • Covid vaccine, helps protect against COVID-19, which can be a serious or life-threatening illness. It is offered on the NHS to people at increased risk of getting seriously ill. 

    Getting the COVID-19 vaccine can: 

    • Help reduce your risk of getting severe symptoms 
    • Help you recover more quickly if you catch it 
    • Help reduce your risk of having to go to hospital or dying from it 
    • Protect against different variants of the virus 

    If you are eligible for the winter COVID-19 vaccine, you can: 

  • What should you do if you are feeling unwell this winter? 

    • Speak to a Pharmacist 
    • Visit your GP 
    • Call 111 
    • In the case of an emergency, visit your local A&E?