Opportunities to Join {"job_short_counter":8333,"content":" ","job_map_counter":89828017,"page_id":1070,"page_url":"https:\/\/chec.uk\/life-at-chec\/opportunities-to-join\/","custom_fields":[]} Locations Country Select Country State Select State City Select City Submit 84 Jobs Found Displayed Here: 1 - 10 Jobs Most Recent Featured Alphabet Order Most Viewed Records Per Page 10 Per Page 20 Per Page 30 Per Page 50 Per Page 70 Per Page 100 Per Page 200 Per Page RSS Feed Endoscopist Coventry Published 1 day ago Sessional Endoscopist Birmingham Published 1 day ago Theatre Practitioner Wandsworth Published 1 day ago Clinical Optometrist Basingstoke Published 1 day ago Endoscopy Practitioner Swindon Published 1 day ago Patient Co-Ordinator Ilford Published 1 day ago Endoscopy Practitioner Ilford Published 1 day ago Logistics Operative Ilford Published 2 days ago Endoscopy Regional Clinical Educator UK Published 2 days ago Optical Assistant Preston Published 2 days ago 12345. . .9 {"posts_per_page":"10","paged":"","post_type":"job","post_status":"publish","order":"DESC","orderby":"ID","meta_key":"jobsearch_field_job_publish_date","fields":"ids","meta_query":[[{"relation":"OR","0":{"key":"jobsearch_field_job_filled","compare":"NOT EXISTS"},"1":[{"key":"jobsearch_field_job_filled","value":"on","compare":"!="}]},{"key":"jobsearch_job_employer_status","value":"approved","compare":"="}]],"post__in":["10762","10761","10760","10759","10758","10757","10756","10731","10730","10729","10728","10727","10726","10725","10709","10708","10707","10706","10580","10574","10500","10487","10306","10199","10196","10194","10186","10185","10179","10177","10173","10172","10097","10078","10077","10076","10038","10006","9992","9826","9821","9820","9819","9818","9817","9816","9815","9814","9813","9812","9811","9809","9808","9794","9791","9788","9787","9786","9785","9783","9782","9781","9780","9777","9776","9775","9759","9758","9757","9756","9755","9753","9752","9751","9750","9749","9748","9718","9717","9716","9715","9714","9713","9712"]} Employee Testimonials “ It is an extremely rewarding job providing patients with high quality care and making their experience as positive as it possibly can be. I wouldn’t be able to do any of it without the team around me so I can only thank them for all their hard work, dedication and support so far. ” Simone, Endoscopy Lead Practitioner Employee Testimonials “ Since joining, I have gained enough exposure to implement frameworks, create and rework policies and processes, as well as aid on numerous training courses to ensure our colleagues can develop. I have also gained the art of resilience, time management, and the confidence to spread awareness of L&D to the wider business and senior managers. ” Demi, L&D Business Partner Employee Testimonials “ I was attracted to joining CHEC as it seemed like a company that really puts its patients at the heart of what they do. During my time at CHEC I have been fortunate enough to work with some amazing employees across various roles in the business, who all share the same values and a clear passion to help people. I love working at CHEC and being part of an organisation that genuinely what to help improve their patients’ lives. ” Mellissa, Regional Relationship Manager Employee Testimonials “ For anyone who is about to start their career journey or is considering a career change, do not hesitate, be bold and apply with CHEC. ” Sofija, Assistant Management Accountant Employee Testimonials “ I look forward to coming to work every day, I enjoy the daily challenges, and look at everyone with great pride, my CHEC family are inspirational, I look forward to the continuous growth, the continuous challenges, and the continuous success. ” Mandie, Assistant Manager Patient Booking Centre Employee Testimonials “ CHEC initially attracted me due to working in partnership with NHS and for the work-life balance, it offers. I love the fact that CHEC recognises hard work and tries their best to create progression pathways for internal employees. It shows dedication to staff retention. ” Sagitha, Regional Operations Manager