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General Ophthalmology

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Our team are a diverse, cohesive group who strive to ensure every patient has an appointment through our choice of local locations, at a time that is convenient to you. We aim for as many one-stop clinics as possible, so patients have the convenience of being seen as close to their doorstep as possible.

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    locations across the U.K.

We understand, however, that eye conditions don’t often fit neatly into a defined service, so patients may suffer cataracts, glaucoma and AMD. Our general ophthalmologists, therefore, manage the general clinics providing specialist advice, assessment and treatments. Select one of the General Ophthalmology categories below to find out more.

Patient Testimonials

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    Exquisite and exemplary cataract customer service from booking to surgery follow-up appointments. The staff throughout both procedures have been extremely supportive, professional, and compassionate.

    Keith R Whitburn