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Cataract Surgery Training

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In response to our commitment to partner with the NHS, and train the surgeons of the future, we’ve opened several regional training suites – equipped with digital dry labs and world-class technology – to support ST1-ST7 doctors develop and refine their cataract surgery skills. 

Training is conducted using synthetic model eyes that replicate the feel, texture, and characteristics of a human eye diagnosed with cataracts, along with surgical microscopes, the instruments used in surgery and phacoemulsification (phaco) machines.

This allows trainees to develop microsurgical motor skills, hand-eye coordination, microscope controls and practice all the steps of cataract surgery.

Learning in this simulated environment supports trainees in improved performance and knowledge on efficient surgical steps, reducing surgical time and complication rates and enhancing surgeons’ confidence.

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We’re delighted to offer training to doctors across the UK in our steadfast commitment to partner with the NHS on developing the future surgeons of our national health service.

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