As a team of highly experienced healthcare professionals, we know the problems facing NHS Trusts is not ability but simply capacity. That is why we offer cost-effective outsourced solutions in our hospitals and mobile units to relieve pressure.
CHEC are delighted to support our NHS Acute Partners in reducing backlogs and relieving pressure points to support the wider healthcare ecosystem, including clinical triage, diagnostics and one-stop shop appointment pathways to balance Trust waiting lists.
We are clinically led, offering clinical excellence, patient safety, clinical governance, and innovation to successfully lower waiting lists across elective and diagnostic pathways in ophthalmology and gastroenterology.
We offer sub-contracting, IPT arrangements and framework call-off proposals to support NHS partners.
To find out more, contact
Our services:
Ophthalmology Treatments
Click here to read about our full range of Opthalmology treatments
Gastroenterology Treatments
Click here to read about our full range of Gastroenterology treatments
Mental Health Help and Support Services
At CHEC, we understand that having surgery is daunting and we care about our patients, before and after receiving our services. Because of this, we want our patients to know there are places to go for help if they are experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support.