Our average referral to treatment time is two to four weeks, and patients are also able to benefit from our free Home to Hospital™ patient pick-up service, reducing inequalities and providing timely access to care. CHEC accepts NHS referrals for patients who require the following treatments: Ophthalmology CataractsCataracts are common, visually disabling conditions, treated by a day-case surgical procedure which is often painless and straightforward.Wet Macular DegenerationwAMD treatments are available by CHEC in some areas of the country using specialised medicines.YAG Laser & Posterior Capsular OpacityThis outpatient procedure is a simple minimally invasive procedure designed to treat an ‘after cataract’.General OphthalmologyWe are experts in the management of non-surgical eye conditions, whether you have symptoms or abnormalities on a routine review.Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)MIGS represents a group of innovative surgical techniques aiming to control intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients. Gastroenterology GastroenterologyFlexi-SigmoidoscopyGastroscopy or Upper GI EndoscopyColonoscopy or Lower GI Endoscopy You can find a full list of our hospitals and the services they offer by selecting the button below. Our locations For more information, contact gp.engagement@chec.uk Our services: Ophthalmology TreatmentsClick here to read about our full range of Opthalmology treatmentsOphthalmologyGastroenterology TreatmentsClick here to read about our full range of Gastroenterology treatmentsGastroenterologyMental Health Help and Support ServicesAt CHEC, we understand that having surgery is daunting and we care about our patients, before and after receiving our services. Because of this, we want our patients to know there are places to go for help if they are experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support.Mental Health Support